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About Kevin Pershin:
Editorial, Lifestyle, Headshot, and Advertising Photographer based out of Los Angeles (Long Beach), California

If you wanted to get to the root of Kevin, you’d probably need to track down his dad’s old film camera (Nikon FG to be exact!).

His passion for getting behind the lens started with that old dusty camera on a family camping trip, and has blossomed from there, first as a hobby and now as a profession. If it’s photographic storytelling, Kevin is all about it, whether that means an artful shoot in nature using natural light, or a day in the studio with lights and gear galore.

You can find more of Kevin’s work alongside the likes of Last Squad Standing, Two Management, Otto Models, Q Modeling Agency, Citzen & darling, Modern Weaving, Plankk, and Blue Collar Clothing.

And you can find more of Kevin (when he's not shooting) camping, on a road trip, cycling, writing music, golfing, or adventuring with Millie, his Beagle.